

For the thrill of helping companies in their progress. To give a Mobile Developer a boost in his/her career. That is what gives us energy. Because of our large network, many years of experience, but especially by listening, we are able to make good matches.


Choose wisely

iOS developer

Hybrid developer

Android developer

Recruitment in
mobile development

I feel privileged to have worked with and successfully placed some of the most inspired Mobile Developers in the market, at companies that are as diverse as they are numerous. I take pleasure in working with the person behind the CV and have always tried to innovate in my way of working. This, my strong network within industry and using a decade of experience, I have been able to positively affect the careers and lives of hundreds of people with a passion for mobile development.

  • Specialized in mobile development
  • 10 Years of experience
  • More than 2000 Industry contacts

More about Erik & WCH


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